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Astrology on the go!

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Easy, fast and affordable. Handpicked astrologers, real advice.

Times have changed and so has Astrology. Askmonk brings handpicked astrologers from all over India to help you find solutions to your problems. Know your stars and planetary alignment today, take informed decisions for your life tomorrow!

Private one-on-one interactions


Real astrologers, genuine advice


Q&A based analogy

Astrology presented in simple Q&A format that is both natural to how people seek in real world and very up close and personal.

Pay per question

Pay for only what you ask. Seek solutions according to your budget and situation. No hidden fees. No complications.

Strong community

A curated and trusted community of hand-picked astrologers that practice professionally. Transparent consultations.

Prompt response

We value your time. Expect a response from one of our astrologers in 48 to 72 hours from your question.

Trusted by over 0 happy clients from all over India!

Handpicked & reliable community

Monks (astrologers) at Askmonk are people who are passionate about astrology, pursue it as science and believe in helping others through their insights. Each monk is a savant and truly ardent about Vedic Astrology and hand-picked after rigorous rounds of interviews.

Seek astrology, like never before!

Ever wondered where to post a question you always had in mind about your future in a private, secure and one-to-one environment and get effective solutions in no time? Try posting a question at Askmonk and get answers with effective remedies from top-notch professional astrologers seamlessly.

Media Recognitions & Partnerships!

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan